Celebrating DEL's Commitment to Building Florida's IMH Workforce
FAIMH's Preschool Development Grant awarded by The Florida Department of Education's Division of Early Learning has been building the infant mental health capacity of Florida’s Early Learning Coalition workforce since 2020. Now in our third year, we are seeking Early Learning Coalition staff and professionals working in Early Head Start programs across the state who are interested in pursuing the Florida Infant Mental Health Endorsement® at no cost to you. FAIMH Membership is included, which provides benefits beyond the Endorsement® process.
We send special thanks to DEL for making this important investment in this critical workforce supporting Florida's babies & toddlers.
DEL funded enrollment ends in September so if you are interested in this opportunity contact Cindy, our Endorsement Coordinator, at endorsement@faimh.org.
The project described is supported by the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative (PDG B-5) Grant Number 90TP0068-02-00 from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Earn the IMH-E® credential in 2023!
The journey begins with...
1. Joining FAIMH. If you are not yet a member, join or renew your FAIMH membership.
2. Then, FAIMH must confirm your best-fit Endorsement Category during an Endorsement Office Hour. Attendance at an Endorsement Office Hour is required to be eligible to apply for Endorsement®.
Office Hours sessions
Aug 16th 12:00 PM EST or Aug 16th 6:00 PM EST via Zoom
Not available during Office Hours or want to meet sooner? Schedule an appointment with our Endorsement Coordinator, Cindy, today!