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Breaking News for Babies: Congress Passes COVID Relief | Zero to Three
10 Mar 2021 by Christine Hughes

From our colleagues at Zero to Three:

Today, Congress passed President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion COVID recovery package which includes critical supports to help families struggling with the impact of the pandemic. After a year of advocating for policies that truly put families first, significant emergency supports for babies, families, and the child care system are finally on the way.

Watch the statement of Dr. Myra Jones-Taylor, Chief Policy Officer, on the passage of the American Rescue Plan and explore ZERO TO THREE’s overview of how the plan addresses babies’ five critical needs.

video statement from Myra Jones-Taylor, Chief Policy Offcer, ZERO TO THREE

The American Rescue Plan represents a monumental step forward for babies and families - and your advocacy helped make it happen! Thank you for keeping the pressure on Congress to Think Babies and Act™ and pass this crucial emergency relief. Celebrate. . . and rest for what is next. There is still more work to do to make sure these investments are sustained and the policy advances are made permanent. Babies are counting on your continued action to ensure they have what they need to thrive now and in the future.  

Share the good news with your colleagues and friends!