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FAIMH and The Children's Movement of Florida remind us what "Each Baby in Florida Needs" during the 2023 Florida Legislative Session
27 Apr 2023 by Christine Hughes

Each Baby in Florida Needs…

During the 2023 Legislative Session, we want to remind policymakers that we need to support the adult to support the child. That's why we collaborated with The Children's Movement of Florida on a social media campaign focused on the parents, caregivers, and other supportive adults who help babies thrive.

When children are in nurturing, supportive relationships, they are ready to learn and grow. Healthy relationships are the foundation for kindergarten readiness and lifelong success.

Parents, educators, and medical professionals all play an important role to create safe, stable, and protective environments where babies can thrive.

2 Things You Can Do:

1. Contact your legislator

Let your legislators know you care about this issue and want them to tackle family support, and health care access for children this session. Find yours here.

2. Share this campaign on social media.

Please share our messages with your followers to spread the word about the importance of health care access for all Florida children. Share, like, or retweet our posts to help these important messages reach more Floridians!

How can we meet each baby's needs?

Tag us @FloridaAIMH and @ChildMovementFL on Twitter and Instagram/ @ChildrensMovementFL on Facebook, and use the hashtag #ForFloridaBabies in your caption so we can amplify your post!

Below is a sample caption for your use:

Building healthy relationships from infancy is the first step for kindergarten readiness and lifelong success. We need policymakers to support the adults to support the child. Learn more via @FloridaAIMH & @ChildMovementFL #ForFloridaBabies