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Last Chance to Nominate your Trusted Mentor to earn FAIMH's newest award!
07 Dec 2022 by Christine Hughes

Submit Your Nomination Now

Take 5 minutes to nominate your Trusted Mentor

FAIMH has created a new award specifically for professionals who have been a mentor, holding space and supporting your reflective capacity as an IMH professional.

The Trusted Mentor Award will go to a trusted advisor & guide who has held protected space and supported the reflective growth of IMH professionals and made an impact on our community. Please submit a nomination today. Self-nominations will be accepted.

The nomination form will close COB on Weds. 12/7/22. The recipient will be announced live at our 2022 Awards & Year-End Celebration on Dec. 15th. If you haven't yet, please RSVP now! We look forward to honoring the IMH mentors who have made a difference in your lives.